quinta-feira, outubro 11, 2007

Aaaahhh Maravilha!!!

Sempre é bom ter um feriado na semana neh...qnd ele é sexta então, nossa, oitava maravilha do mundo!!! Não sei ainda o que farei, mas só de não ter que acordar cedo, ficar escolhendo roupa pra trabalhar já tá valendo...

O que mais vale na nossa vida?? Momentos gostosos com amigos, familia, namorado (a), esposo (a) e ontem, me senti em um momento assim...Com a entrega da monografia marcada para daqui a 10 dias, o namorado anda correndo horrores, então está muito dificil pra nos vermos.Mas ontem conseguimos fazer um programinha light que ficou marcado sabe..nada demais, só conversamos um pouco na faculdade e depois resolvemos sair, assim de supetão. Ai fomos ao Gates, onde dançamos, conversamos , rimos e viemos embora! Adoro esses momentos simples que a vida nos proporciona. Pra mim, no geral, eles são os mais agradáveis e preciosos.Tão raro pararmos e darmos valor a esse tipo de coisa!! E principalmente a falta que isso nos faz...só nos damos conta qnd ele acontece!!

Um ótimo feriado a todos e aproveitem tudim.... =)

Musiquinha que ouvi a manhã toda dirigindo ( no repeat)..Um rock pra dar uma levantada!!

Sonata Arctica

Sitting on a corner all alone,
staring from the bottom of his soul,
watching the night come in from the window
It'll all collapse tonight, the fullmoon is here again
In sickness and in health, understanding so demanding
It has no name, there's one for every season
Makes him insane to know
Running away from it all
"I'll be safe in the cornfields", he thinks Hunted by his own,
again he feels the moon rising on the sky
Find a barn which to sleep in, but can he hide anymore
Someone's at the door, understanding too demanding
Can this be wrong, it's love that is not ending
Makes him insane to know
She should not lock the open door(run away run away, run way)
Fullmoon is on the sky and
He's not a man anymore
She sees the change in
Him but can't(run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her man... Fullmoon
Swimming across the bay,the night is gray, so calm today
She doesn't wanna wait.
"We've gotta make the love complete tonight...
"In the mist of the morning he cannot fight anymore
Hundred moons or more, he's been howling
Knock on the door, and scream that is soon ending
Mess on the floor again...
She should not lock the open door(run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
She sees the changes in him but can't(run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her man
She should not lock the open door(run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
She sees the changes in him but can't(run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her darling man
She should not lock the open door(run away, run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
See what became out of her man

Um comentário:

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